Republican plans for their victory laps in November should definitely get more publicity. Everyone needs to know what they plan to do to us and against us.

"There's going to be a government shutdown, just like in '95 and '96 but we're going to win it this time and I'll be fightin' on your side," Morris said at the Americans for Prosperity Foundation Conference on Friday in Washington.
Yep, that's surely what the country needs, isn't it? But when the Washington Post offers Sharron Angle campaign advice to help her win, they should also point out that if she does win, she plans to do exactly nothing. Except possibly to stir an armed insurrection or two, right here in this country.
And then, there's news that top-tier GOP candidates have adopted the Paul Ryan plan to bankrupt the country and reward the rich. If you aren't familiar with Mr. Ryan's plan, the CBPP has done an analysis on what it would do: Give the wealthy the largest tax cuts in history, raise middle class taxes, end Medicare, privatize Social Security, and repeal the majority of the Affordable Care Act provisions.
That's just the beginning. There's also the Darrell Issa/Michele Bachmann plan to impeach the President on general principles with no evidence, the never-ending effort to punish Latinos with AB1070-like laws, and just generally put a halt to all progress while Fox News and right-wing talk radio continue to reinforce John Birch society tenets.
The Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal gives credit to the Obama administration for uniting conservatives and igniting their fire for astroturf and grass roots to exploit. Meanwhile, corporate CEOs spent some quality time trashing the President and learning teabagger talk while waiting patiently for their favorite sons to take control of the Congress. I thought Blackstone's Steven Schwarzman was particularly over the top with the Hitler comparison. But then, money is money and he wants more.
All of this should feel like a call to action to all of us -- Democrat and reasonable-thinking independents alike. But for some reason, Gallup says the GOP lead in the generic ballot polls is unprecedented. If that's true, we won't have to worry about them "taking back their country." We'll just hand it over.
Bonus: E.D. Kain at Balloon Juice is flabbergasted by Dems' flat affect, too.