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Rubio talking about the good job he would do as vice president
Service Employees International Union launched a campaign Tuesday to fight the so-called RAISE Act, sponsored in the Senate by Marco Rubio (FL), which is nothing more than an attack on the collective bargaining rights of working families. Widely talked about as a potential vice presidential candidate, Rubio is attempting to bolster his anti-union credentials to be more in line with those of presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney, who has made attacking unions a centerpiece of his campaign. The bill would take away workers right to negotiate contracts and would allow employers to ignore existing collective bargaining agreements. Despite any claims to the benefits of such a bill, the only purpose it would serve would be to weaken unions and the rights of working families.
Collective bargaining rights are under attack – again.
The “RAISE Act,” introduced by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), is yet another attempt to undermine the rights of workers to bargain collectively. The bill would take away employees’ rights to negotiate contracts that create a uniform, fair process for granting wage increases. Employers would be allowed to ignore what they agreed to in collective bargaining agreements – and that’s not fair.
Please tell your Senator to support collective bargaining and vote NO on the RAISE Act.