January 13, 2010


For many areas of the U.S. and other areas of the globe, this winter has brought some brutally cold temperatures and plenty of snowfall. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had to endure the "So much for global warming" comments from our more gullible and lesser educated friends and family.

Well, legendary artist Peter Frampton decided to risk Facebook Suicide by posting reality-based global warming messages on his page -- and now faces the wrath of the deniers in the process.

It all appears to have started on January 9th of this year when Frampton posted "What is this - global colding?" and from there, things started heating up.


Ever the well-spoken gentleman, Peter responds with dignity:


Mr. Frampton, who is working on a new CD at the moment, says that people have abandoned him on Facebook and other sites because he is intelligent enough to understand that global warming is a reality. If you use Facebook and would like to show your support for him, you can do so here. Stick to your guns, Peter!

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