[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QORvYfROinA" width="420" height="315" resize="1" fid="21"] (h/t MediaMatters)
Rachel Maddow thinks of him fondly as crazy "Uncle Pat" although she's very careful not to let him go unchallenged. Chris Matthews considers him the go-to guy for all race issues. From Morning Joe to Andrea Mitchell Reports to Hardball, Pat Buchanan appears to show up at the NBC studios in Washington DC first thing in the morning and just hang out for the entire day, appearing more than any other pundit on the array of programming offered. Remember, this is the same network that blackballed Markos Moulitsas for upsetting Joe Scarborough on Twitter; fired Keith Olbermann for making donations to Democratic candidates and being loud advocating for liberal politics; replaced Cenk Uygur for being too tough on Republicans; and indefinitely suspended David Shuster for auditioning for another network. Pat Buchanan has outlasted them all, despite a rather bewildering portfolio of racist, sexist and just plain hateful statements.
The operative question then, is 'why in the hell does Pat Buchanan still have a job at MSNBC?'
Color of Change would like to know the answer to that and ask for your signature on a petition to MSNBC:
For years, Pat Buchanan has passed off white supremacist ideology as legitimate mainstream political commentary. And MSNBC continues to pay him and give him a platform on national TV to do it.
Buchanan has just published a book which says that increasing racial diversity is a threat to this country and will mean the "End of White America." This weekend, to promote his book, he went on a white supremacist radio show whose host has said things like "MLK's dream is our nightmare," and "interracial sex is white genocide."
Buchanan has the right to express his views, but he's not entitled to a platform that lets him broadcast bigotry and hate to millions. If MSNBC wants to be seen as a trusted, mainstream source of news and commentary, it needs to fire Buchanan now.
Please join us in calling on MSNBC to fire Pat Buchanan: http://act.colorofchange.org/sign/buchanan/
There's no excuse for lending legitimacy and a national platform for such archaic and hateful attitudes. MSNBC has fired others for much less. Pat Buchanan needs to go.