Before you ask what Dennis is smoking, think about it: He's right. It might not happen right away, but if the Republicans really do manage to blow up the new health care bill, it's got to move the country closer to a single-payer system. Our economy simply won't survive the steeply rising health care costs and if the Cons manage to drive the car back into the ditch, we're probably going to have to do it right this time:
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) argued that Republican efforts to repeal the healthcare law could actually open the door for a single-payer system favored by liberals.
Appearing on Fox News on Friday, Kucinich fired back against charges that caps on how insurance companies spend their premium dollars would put jobs at risk on the brokerage side of the industry.
"The bottom line is: they're going to make whatever pleas they can to try to cut the limitations that are coming in place in this new bill," he said. "But the fact of the matter is, beyond all of this is that we really have to move someday towards a not-for-profit system where the insurance companies aren't dictating the kind of health care we're going to have in America."
[...] "If you demolish the new bill and we go back to square one, you still have 50 million who don't have any coverage, then what's the option if you can't have the government, say, by private insurance, which -- believe me, as someone would has fought that system I understand that -- then the only other option is to say what other industrialized democracies say, healthcare is a basic right, we've got to provide for everyone, we'll have a single-payer system," the congressman said.