As a both a club and radio dj, few things rang my bell as loudly as hearing a potential hit song for the first time. When a couple friends and I start
November 18, 2007

As a both a club and radio dj, few things rang my bell as loudly as hearing a potential hit song for the first time. When a couple friends and I started one of the country's first punk rock radio shows at KSAN in San Francisco we were always desperate for fresh songs, especially fresh hit songs. The Vibrators were an early U.K. punk band and in 1977 they released Pure Mania and it's smash-- punk smash-- single, "Whips and Furs" (originally the b-side of their debut 1976 single, "We Vibrate." It was a huge hit for our show. Unfortunately, there were only 3 or 4 commercial radio stations in the whole country that would play this kind of music. It still sounds good to me though.

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