July 3, 2024

Trump warned that President Joe Biden will pay a “big price” for the “weaponization” of justice after Steve Bannon was sentenced to four months in federal prison. Via USAToday:

“They wanted to silence him,” Trump said in an interview with host John Reid on Richmond’s Morning News Monday.

“Oh, this is pure weaponization. What they've done in this country is unthinkable, and Biden is going to pay a big price for it, I believe,” he added. “Because I think that people are gonna say, ‘Well, wow, you've opened up a Pandora's box.' This is a terrible thing that they've opened up. They've unleashed this."

Trump’s interview came the same day that Bannon reported to federal prison to begin his sentence for contempt of Congress after defying a subpoena from the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol attack.

Trump’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt told ABC News that Trump “was referring to the very big price Joe Biden will pay on November 5th when the American people overwhelmingly vote to evict him from the White House.”

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