BO: That’s the liberal platform. They like that drug stuff. That’s secular progressive heaven you just described there, Norm. That’s what they want! Come on! It’s diversity, man. It’s diversity!
Isn't it funny that when we expect a media outlet to be accurate in its reporting or at least pretend to have a semblance of balance, we're called "intolerant"? And of course, you know that we liberals (or "secular progressives" in Billo parlance) are overly enthralled by those Hollywood types. So with no other comment, I offer you apparently acceptably tolerant FOXNews' Bill O'Reilly talking with Hollywood actor and comedian Norm MacDonald, substituting for former Hollywood actor and comedian Dennis Miller on the Iowa caucus today and what they perceive as the Secular Progressive Heaven.
Partial transcript below the fold:
NM: I know Obama is…this guy’s like a freight train. And now Dennis Kucinich has said that he might throw his support, man he’s going to be unstoppable.
BO: That’s right, so that’s at least six or seven votes that….Sean Penn…
NM: Yeah, that’s the equivalent of me throwing my delegates behind him. I think Kucinich is just barely above Ackmadinejohn (sic) in the polls right now.
BO: Kucinich and Ahmadinejad are running neck and neck…but we like Kucinich. No matter what you think about his politics, this is a stand up guy. Now, Miller loves Giuliani. Miller is like Giuliani’s guy. What do you think of the mayor?
NM: Well, he’s pro-choice, which is a little bit of a problem with me but I remember I was in New York and my God, he changed that city around like crazy. He did such a great job. And I remember my friends complaining. They were like ‘oh Times Square, it lost all its character.’ But I lived in New York during that time and Times Square was just prostitutes and junkies and serial killers prowling arcades. It was just… you know, it wasn’t character, it was…
BO: That’s the liberal platform. They like that drug stuff. That’s secular progressive heaven you just described there, Norm. That’s what they want! Come on! It’s diversity, man. It’s diversity!
Can you imagine the outcry for not only the job, but the citizenship papers or head of any liberal pundit that so gleefully joked in a similar manner about the Republican party?