White called the course "intimidating," according to Eddie Pells of the Associated Press, and several other riders have also fallen victim to the treacherous slopes.
Shaun White Pulls Out Of Slopestyle After Injury On 'Intimidating' course
Credit: Flickr
February 5, 2014

Via SB Nation:



on Feb 5 2014, 7:51a


White jammed his wrist during a training run on Tuesday, making him one of several Olympic athletes to already suffer injuries on a treacherous slopestyle course.

United States snowboarder Shaun White has pulled out of the Olympic slopestyle event after suffering a wrist injury in training on Tuesday, according to NBC's Nick Zaccardi.

White, who came to Sochi in search of two gold medals, fell and jammed his wrist Tuesday on a slopestyle course which has already proven to be quite challenging...

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