Hey Media: Stop Letting Rudy Giuliani Be 'Foggy' About What Trump Knows

The media needs to force Rudy Giuliani to be clear on what Trump knows and when he knew it.

Rudy Giuliani, Trump's legal mouthpiece on TV told ABC's THIS WEEK that he's still "a little foggy as to exactly when the president found out" about the payoffs to Stormy Daniels, the pornstar with whom he had an affair.

It's time for the media to stop coddling this man and force him to clarify what he says since most of the time it's Palinesque word salad.

Rudy has been saying he's still fuzzy on all the facts for going on 90 days now.

ABC host George Stephanopoulos, a favorite of Giuliani for some reason, was asked about the Cohen/Daniels payoff fiasco that Giuliani himself has mucked up all by himself after he was hired on April 19th.

It's time to get rid of Rudy's weasel words.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You say you’re not concerned at all about what Michael Cohen may say, but he is facing some potential legal jeopardy in part, dealing with that Stormy Daniels case.

When I asked Cohen if the president directed him to make the payments to Stormy Daniels, he said he couldn’t answer on advice of counsel. Did the president direct Michael Cohen to make that statement?

GIULIANI: As far as I know from his original statements and the president’s statements and everything I’ve seen in terms of documents and the way it was reimbursed, no the president did not originally know.

At some point, probably a little foggy as to exactly when president found out and -- and -- and reimbursed him. I think that’s -- that’s the clear point because -- and second, wasn’t a campaign contribution.

He's been in contact with his client for almost three months now. Why is Giuliani still foggy about the details of the Stormy Daniels payoff? He's not but it appears he's either forced to lie or very comfortable doing so.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But -- but -- but to be clear, the president did not direct Michael Cohen in advance (ph) to make those payments.

GIULIANI: As far as I know, that is right, and second even if he had, that would not necessarily be anything. If the president directed him to settle the case, he would have done that a year before, a year after, didn’t matter that he was running for office.

At first, he said Trump did know about the payoff and then he was forced to say he wasn't up to speed on the case yet.

AFter his first appearance on out tellies, Trump was forced to tell the press Rudy was badly mistaken.

Kellyanne Conway had to go on TV and say Rudy was mistaken also.

That’s something you settle because you don’t want your family to be embarrassed. And the amount of money involved, $140,000, would indicate it was a nuisance settlement as opposed to the millions of dollars that have been given away in cases like that in the past.

And now even if Trump did know about the Stormy hush money, it doesn't matter because Trump only paid 130K.

Then when pressed on more facts he suddenly loses his memory.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But the president did not promise in advance to reimburse Cohen for that?

GIULIANI: That -- that I don’t know. Whether there was an understanding between them that I think Cohen knew he’d be reimbursed, didn’t seem to be any trouble in working out the reimbursement with the accountants.

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