Duncan Hunter Changes Plea To Guilty In The Nick Of Time
Hunter claimed it was a "deep state witch hunt" and assured voters he would be found not guilty. Guess he was lying.

Duncan Hunter, who for over a year called his and his wife's indictment on wide-ranging 60 counts of campaign finance violations "tabloid trash" and a witch hunt, has changed his tune.
Guess who is ready to admit he is a witch? DUNCAN HUNTER.
The Washington Post is reporting that Hunter will be pleading guilty to just ONE charge of a misuse of campaign funds as early as Tuesday. He must have worked out a sweet plea deal, considering the prison time he was facing based on the other 59 charges.
His trial was set to start in January of 2020. His wife already pleaded guilty. Was she planning to testify against him? Is that why he changed his mind at the last minute?
The crux of the charges relate to Hunter and his wife spending $250,000 of campaign money for personal expenses, including vacations and school tuition. Oh, and affairs. At least five, two with staffers and three with lobbyists.
About possible jail time, Hunter said, “Whatever my time in custody is, I will take that hit,. My only hope is that the judge does not sentence my wife to jail. I think my kids need a mom in the home.” Since he is being allowed to plead guilty to one count only, maybe he'll get no jail time and simply resign his seat. We'll know more tomorrow.
Ironic, since Duncan Hunter initially blamed his wife for everything. I guess that has changed, too.
Hunter won re-election in 2018, although narrowly. Will he resign after pleading guilty? Who knows. His 2018 challenger, Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar, has an even better chance at winning in 2020.
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