But is Kari Lake really trying to win her lawsuit to overturn the election she lost six months ago – or using it for fundraising and propaganda?
May 18, 2023

Sore loser Kari Lake has lost not only Arizona’s gubernatorial election last November but multiple attempts to overturn the results. She sued to void the election results in a trial court and lost; appealed the case and lost again; then appealed to the state Supreme Court which denied a review of six of her seven claims. The Supreme Court sent that one claim back to the trial court.

The trial on that claim, alleging that Maricopa County did not properly match the signatures on early mail-in ballots, began this week.

And did I mention that Lake lost Maricopa County by more than 37,638 votes and the statewide election by more than 17,000 votes?

According to Democracy Docket, Lake’s attorney (who also represented the Cyber Ninjas, Arizona's 2020 election frauditors) argued that Maricopa County did not do any signature verification: “This isn't a question of not doing it well enough. They're simply not doing signature verification."

But Lake’s first witness verified signatures for Maricopa County’s 2022 election and she testified for nearly an hour about the in-depth process.

Before you laugh too hard, consider the comments by Arizona attorney and political blogger Michael Bryan. He found Lake’s case comically inept at first – until he came to the conclusion she’s not out to win the trial but “to win the next election and keep the conspiracy delusion of stolen elections alive.” He wrote, “She will cherry-pick little damning-sounding details that are perfectly explainable, but that sound suspicious unless challenged and fact-checked, which in the context of her propaganda and lies to her followers, they will NOT be.”

It's up to us to make sure that strategy does not work in any future election.

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