June 20, 2024

Not sure what to make of this story. Jim Carroll is a Democrat representing Bennington, VT and Mary Morrisey is a Republican representing Bennington, VT. Caroll says Morrissey had been "nasty" to him for months, despite having known each other since they were kids (both are in their 60s now) and that they attend the same church. Carroll suspected it was her putting the water in his bag, but he didn't have any proof, so he set up a spycam in the coatroom and caught her in the act.

Source: Boston.com

A Republican lawmaker publicly apologized to a Democratic colleague before the Vermont House of Representatives after she was caught on video pouring water into his bag multiple times over the course of five months.

“I am truly ashamed of my actions,” Representative Mary Morrissey, who serves Bennington, Vt., said at a House veto session Monday.

Videos of Morrissey pouring cups of water into a personal bag belonging to Representative Jim Carroll, who also represents Bennington, were first acquired by Seven Days. The news outlet obtained the videos via a public records request after Carroll mounted a camera above where he hung his bag to find a culprit for the frequent soakings his belongings were getting.

“For five months, I went through this,” Carroll said at the meeting after Morrissey’s apology. “It was torment, there’s no doubt about it.”

When House Speaker Jill Krowinski first saw the videos and confronted Morrissey about it, she initially denied it, Seven Days reported. But she later apologized to Carroll, an encounter the latter told the outlet was “uncomfortable.”

On Monday, Morrissey admitted her behavior was “disrespectful” and said she had apologized to Carroll privately. She added that she will be “working toward resolution and restoration through our legislative process.”

“It was conduct most unbecoming of my position as a representative and as a human being, and is not reflective of my 28 years of service and civility,” Morrissey said. She also asked for forgiveness from her colleagues and the citizens of Vermont.

Lady, if you keep doing something for months that is your character, as noted below by Kim Wexler's Ponytail.

67-year-old Morrisey with a more recent photo than the one on her Vermont General Assembly page.

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