June 21, 2024

Last week, Paul Ryan appeared on Fox and stated that Trump was unfit to be President and that he wasn't going to vote for him.

Apparently,, in a delayed reaction, Felon Trump filled his oversized diapers which made his cranky as well as crazy:


Ryan said last week that death, taxes and craziness from Trump are the three certainties in his life and didn't seem overly concerned about Trump ripping on him then and it's highly unlikely that he's any more concerned now.

The more disconcerting part was the end of Felon Trump's post, when he said, "ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP." It sure seems that he is starting to believe in his own claptrap and is developing a Messiah complex, as opposed to just playing it up. That and his other cognitive and emotional issues should be a real cause for concern. I've seen enough movies about WWII and the Nazis to know where this is going.

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