September 10, 2024

Federal prosecutors in California unsealed an indictment yesterday charging two people with leading an online group of white supremacists that maintained a list of high-profile targets to assassinate. They urged group members to commit hate crimes. Via CBS News:

A 37-page indictment filed on Sept. 5 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California alleges that Dallas Erin Humber and Matthew Robert Allison led the group known as "Terrorgram," a network of channels, group chats and users on the app Telegram, that promote "white supremacist accelerationism." The ideology is described in court filings as "centered on the belief that the white race is superior," and that violence and terrorism are needed to spark a race war to speed up the collapse of government and the rise of the "white ethnostate."

Humber, 34, and Allison, 37, face 15 federal charges, including three counts of soliciting the murder of a federal official, four counts of soliciting hate crimes and one count of conspiring to provide material support for terrorists. Humber is from Elk Grove, California, and Allison is from Boise, Idaho. Both were arrested last Friday and officials said Allison is expected to make his initial appearance in court on Tuesday.

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke said the indictment shows the "new technological face of white supremacist violence."

Humber, a dildo saleswoman, was unmasked by online activists back in March.

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