Like most wingnuts, Lucianne's son is as happy as a pig in filth because the <em>New York Times</em> sharply criticized the Obama administration over <a href="">its phone data collection.</a>
June 7, 2013


Like most wingnuts, Lucianne's son is as happy as a pig in filth because the New York Times sharply criticized the Obama administration over its phone data collection.

But unlike the propaganda outfits on the right like Fox News and The National Review during the Bush years, the Times editorial board is frequently critical of the president (see here, here, here and here).

For people who pay attention to these things, this is absolutely nothing new. What is very new, on the other hand, is Bush followers like Jonah Goldberg suddenly giving a flip about civil liberties.

Do you remember that scathing piece Jonah wrote about Bush and the Patriot Act, FISA or torture?

I don't either.

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