Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Neal Boortz Edition
Boortz gets points for creativity here. Proposing that tax rates on the top 2% of earners return to Soviet Clinton-era levels is usually attributed to Obama's "Marxism." That it's because of mental illness, exacerbated by a hatred for George W.
Boortz gets points for creativity here. Proposing that tax rates on the top 2% of earners return to Soviet Clinton-era levels is usually attributed to Obama's "Marxism." That it's because of mental illness, exacerbated by a hatred for George W. Bush (who's he again?) is truly a new twist.
But here's the problem for Boortz.
Not only are a plurality of Americans in favor of increasing taxes on the rich, a majority of Republicans are.
So, Boortz just called his own party a bunch of psychotic Bush haters.
He's half right, at least.