Newstalgia Weekend Gramophone with a live performance of Douglas Moore's Farm Journal as performed by Alfredo Antonini and The CBS Symphony Orchestra, recorded in 1946.
February 5, 2012

Another dose of ". . .And The Earth Was Good" this weekend.

Continuing our occasional series of broadcast transcriptions of American Music, circa 1930's and 1940's with music by Douglas Moore. Moore is probably best known for his folk opera The Ballad Of Baby Doe. This recording was part of a series of broadcast concert excerpts featuring strictly American Classicl music, put together for The State Department and issued only overseas

Moore's Farm Journal is probably one of his lesser known pieces and this performance, recorded circa 1946 features the CBS (Radio) Symphony conducted by Alfredo Antonini.

As I'm sure you've noticed by now, there's no shortage of American composers from the early 20th century onward. It's just a question of hearing their work that's the problem from time to time.

More rarities next week. Stick around.

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