June 25, 2024

Michigan Republicans are just a special breed of stupid. This one was recently arrested, though not as yet charged, chasing a stripper from his home while brandishing a handgun and threatening to kill her. Rep. Friske maintains his "innocence" and says he was set up by unscrupulous individuals who were out to get him. He would not elaborate or provide any evidence of his accusations.

Despite all this, Friske is still out there campaigning, as he was last night.

Source: UpNorthLive WPBN/WGTU

LANSING, Mich., (WPBN/WGTU) -- Michigan state Representative Neil Friske (R-Charlevoix) said he is "confident" that he will be exonerated, after he was arrested last week for what police called a felony-level offense.

He also claimed that he is "being framed" during a radio interview.

Friske was arrested at around 2:45 a.m. on Thursday in an area in Lansing where he owns a condominium, after Lansing Police received a report of a possible sexual assault of a woman, as well as a report of possible shots fired.

"As Conservative Republicans, we are well aware of the biased media coverage of incidents involving us," Friske said in a written statement Monday. "Despite their false narratives, I maintain my innocence."

"I am confident that this investigation will totally exonerate me," Friske continued.

Friske is expected to attend a forum in his district on Monday night.

He was released from jail on Friday without charges, however police have requested the he be charged with the following.

  • Assault with intent to murder
  • Possession of a firearm in the commission of a crime

And what did he say in the radio interview?

"I can't really comment on the specifics of things, but just the way things unfolded, it was very clear to me that something wasn't right, and I was being framed, trying to be framed, to be set up," Friske said. "That's how these people work."

"My campaign is full steam ahead. I am not suspending my campaign. I know there's been nay-sayers out there telling me I should step down. I am not doing that. That is not what I feel like God wants me to do, that’s not the message I’m getting from my supporters, and I‘ve not done anything wrong, so why on earth would I do that?"

Friske mentioned the "elephant in the room" last night at a candidates' forum.

The police report certainly sounds real though.

But when your father was a real Nazi you probably learn how to lie yourself quite young.

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