June 21, 2024

According to the Detroit Free Press, the Lansing, Michigan police are not saying much about the circumstances of Michigan Rep. Friske's arrest for “a felony-level offense” after “they responded to reports of an adult male with a gun and possible shots fired.”

But the Michigan Information and Research Service reported, “Sources say he chased an adult dancer after a disagreement. He also had a gun in his possession at the time.”

I can’t wait to hear more about this “disagreement.” In the meanwhile, here’s more of what we know about Friske, who faces a Republican challenger in August: For one thing, chasing a stripper with a gun doesn’t quite go with a guy who boasts in his online profile about making “church and faith a priority” as well as being “Famous for his unwavering conservative values.” Also, it seems his Dad was a Nazi.

More on Friske's "family values."

And by the way? In case you didn’t watch the video above, Rep. Friske’s name is pronounced “Frisky.”

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