Unbelievably, the right wing nut jobs are trying to defend, or even justify, Felon Trump's appointees to his syndicate, er, I mean, his cabinet. And their attempts are getting lamer and stranger as their desperation continues to mount. One of their latest ones is this video that was shared by a former Fox denizen, Jillian Anderson, which shows an old video of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg:
Not one Trump appointment should be questioned when the Democrats have their Transportation Secretary out here saying roads are racist.pic.twitter.com/rtQHmtxPnA
— Jillian Anderson (@Jillie_Alexis) November 18, 2024
Anderson opines that not one of Trump's syndicate cabinet appointees should be questioned because Buttigieg said that some infrastructure was built without racial equity in mind. First off, that is an alarming false equivalency. At least three or four of Trump's henchman have allegations of sex related crimes. Criticizing infrastructure planning is no where near the same thing.
Secondly, Buttigieg isn't even wrong. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, they want to expand I-94 from six lanes to eight lanes. But a lawsuit was recently filed that could seriously alter those plans or even stop them completely. One of the reasons is racial inequality (emphasis mine):
But a lawsuit filed by project opponents could delay its 2025 construction start. Even if work proceeds next year, the suit might force the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to provide additional funding for public transit improvements.
Opponents say state and federal transportation officials failed to seriously consider a transit alternative to expanding I-94 from six lanes to eight lanes. They claim that mainly harms people of color who don't own cars.
Also, rebuilding the freeway with six lanes and expanding transit — mainly with express bus service — would give commuters more choices, said attorney Dennis Grzezinski, who along with Midwest Environmental Advocates and Legal Action of Wisconsin, represents the opponents.
The state and other entities wanted to expand the freeway many years ago. The plan was quashed by the courts when the planners didn't take the racial impact of such a project into consideration.
It's amazing how some people like Anderson is so steeped in their white privilege that they cannot even consider other possibilites. Or perhaps they do, give how they are so opposed to all that fancy book learnin' and critical thinking.