I've posted on this D level conservative screecher a while ago---a guy that makes Glenn Beck look...kinda normal, but I'm still trying to understand Hardball's rationale for giving him a platform. How does a spew-master who attacks NOLA victims still have a job in broadcasting? He once emailed around saying that I was inciting violence against his dog...Yea, seriously...
Download (h/t Scarce)
Matthews had to try and calm him down after he couldn't control himself... I guess...in a way they are doing us a favor by showing people how revolting talkers like Melanie Morgan and Williams are, (MAF members) but that is a small benefit when all things are considered... If you just act crazy as a conservative pundit---you will be given a platform by cable news and radio...Here's his email....Be polite...
It's much worst than I thought...Check out this report from the SacBee:
The Channel 13 morning show, which already has a provocative voice in anchor Chris Burrous, continues to push the envelope when it comes to local morning TV news.
Former KFBK conservative talker Mark Williams (pictured) will give his views on politics and social issues every other Monday at 6 a.m. He starts Aug. 20...read on
Update: He'll be on KOVR. www.kovr.com. I believe the general manager is Bruno Cohen, the vice president of news. News director is Steve Charlier. You may want to try bcohen@kovr.com and/or scharlier@kovr.com