September 16, 2007

cafferty-kurtz.jpg On Sunday's Reliable Sources, Jack Cafferty did something that most of the punditry class needs to do in this country and that is to take responsibility for his words. He admitted that he was caught up in the national hysteria that followed 9/11----manipulated by the White House propaganda and pushed for war with Iraq. As usual, Howard Kurtz uses right-wing framing to ask Cafferty about his criticisms of the Bush Administration. No shock there.

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KURTZ: But you bash the Bush administration so often that you have become a hero to some on the left. I mean, just in this book, in the first few pages, you talk about Bush and company harming America. You call the president deluded and you speak favorably of impeachment.

Do you consider yourself a left-winger?

CAFFERTY: No, I don't. Not at all. On the contrary. In fact, in the early days of the run-up to the war in Iraq, I was a right-winger, if nothing else. I bought the whole song and dance about WMDs. I was caught up in the national hysteria that followed 9/11, and was captive to the political manipulation, if you will, that took place of all of us.

And I include myself. I was drinking the Kool-Aid on the run-up to that war. And I spent a lot of time on "AMERICAN MORNING" here on CNN supporting the administration and supporting the war.

So, no. The answer to your question is no, I don't consider myself a left-winger.

Good for him. Howie, do you consider yourself a shill for the right-wing bloggers?

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