Geraldo apologizes to Malkin on The Factor:
Then he says he fell on Bill's sword over the apology while explaining why Limbaugh should apologize over his "phony soldiers" comment... Download (h/t Scarce and justabill for the vids)
Malkin and Geraldo have been fighting for a while over her extreme immigration positions.
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Rivera: Here’s the problem. I believe that proponents of immigration--like Michelle, Rush Limbaugh, Tancredo of Colorado, Lou Dobbs at CNN--those people would not agree to any immigration reform that allows the people who are here to remain.
Malkin: Geraldo has continued to play the race card..
Then Rivera bashed Michelle in an interview:
“Michelle Malkin is the most vile, hateful commentator I’ve ever met in my life,” he says. “She actually believes that neighbors should start snitching out neighbors, and we should be deporting people.
“It’s good she’s in D.C. and I’m in New York,” Rivera sneers. “I’d spit on her if I saw her.”
Then Malkin tried to run hate ads against Geraldo and they were rejected.....Now it looks like she bailed out of the Factor.
From: “Michelle Malkin”
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 23:04:58 -0400
Subject: Re: Michelle no longer on the Factor?
I made the decision to quit appearing on the O’Reilly show in response to the poor handling of the Geraldo Rivera matter (the staged “apology” on The Factor was a complete farce). I won’t go into details, but please know that your support means a lot to me. You can catch me on other Fox News shows and read my daily blog posts and weekly columns at,
FOX has been grooming her for a long time and something more had to happen for O'Reilly's team to let her go or for her to quit. A network doesn't develop what they think is an asset and then suddenly drop it. She was subbing on Fridays and Bill loves his girl team segments during the week. The most extreme right wing blogger out there just doesn't give up that spot over Geraldo in my opinion....I'm trying to get more information on this, but nobody--and I mean nobody--plays the victim better than Malkin...