One of the more awkward and disturbing moments from Wednesday's CNN/YouTube Republican sideshow debate was the response from the candidates to a question about the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy from a retired, openly gay Army General named Keith Kerr, who served for 40 years.
Kerr submitted his question via YouTube, but was also in the audience and boy, did he make those Republicans squirm. While Rep. Duncan Hunter's answer was the most offensive, Mitt Romney truly bombed, flubbing and flip flopping through his tortured answer. As you might expect, Kerr was not happy with the non-answers he got.
As it turns out, Gen. Kerr is co-chair of Hillary Clinton's National Military Veterans Group, an affiliation that is making the right wing blogs crazy--the nerve of a Democratic candidate supporter asking questions of Republicans! But Gen. Kerr's question had neither anything to do with Clinton nor was it partisan in nature. But leave it to the wingnuts to ignore the substance because of the messenger.
Thanks to Nicole for her assistance.