Bay Buchanan said this after calling the NY Times/McCain love fest story a smear/hit job on CNN to Anderson Cooper:
Bay: This is not the Democratic Party, this is a party of values. We assume our candidates have been loyal to their family.
Download (h/t Heather)
&^&*%#@!___Sorry, I---just fell off my chair from laughter. Let's ask her about David Vitter and Larry Craig and Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani and. Bay, who was supporting the Mitt Romney campaign--- feels it would have had an impact on the primary....David Gergen says it's a red herring that the Times held onto the story for political reasons and then he hit her on the family value meme by reminding her of the Mark Foley story. She just shrugged it off....haha
UPDATE: We hear there are a bunch of reporters going after this story now, but The Washington Post has a name and it's John Weaver---a very close friend to McCain:
Aides to Sen. John McCain confronted a female telecommunications lobbyist in late 1999 and asked her to distance herself from the senator during the presidential campaign he was about to launch, according to one of McCain's longest-serving political strategists.
John Weaver, who served as McCain's closest confidant until leaving his current campaign last year, said he met with Vicki Iseman at the Center Cafe in Union Station and urged her to stay away from McCain. Association with a lobbyist would undermine his image as an opponent of special interests, aides had on