February 21, 2008

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Keith Olbermann looks at the silver lining of the John McCain lobbyist scandal...for John McCain. After months of excoriation by the right wing talkers, having a negative story by the "librul" New York Times (psst...wingnuts--Judy Miller, William Kristol, David Bobo Brooks, I'm just sayin') gives the opportunity for the Limbaughs and Ingrahams to rise up in indignation and defend McCain from the mean liberals pointing out that Mr. Straight Talk may not be such a straight talker.

LIMBAUGH: The important question for John McCain today is is he going to learn the right lesson from this and what is the lesson? The lesson is liberals are to be defeated. You cannot walk across the aisle with them; you cannot reach across the aisle. You cannot welcome their media members on your bus and get all cozy with them and expect eternal love from them. You are a Republican. Whether you are a conservative Republican or not, you are a Republican. And at some point the people you cozy up to, either to do legislation or to get cozy media stories are going to turn on you. They are snakes. And if the right lesson is not learned from this, uh then it will have proved to be of no value. It’s a great opportunity her for Sen. McCain to learn the right lesson, understand who his friends are and who his enemies are. And he’s had that backwards, for way too long.

Understand who his friends are? It's been said before, Republicans are not so big on facts.

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