Building on his extensive resumé of ambush journalism, Bill O'Reilly sends one of his
flunkees "producers" to confront Arianna Huffington over cherry-picked comments left by an anonymous person on HuffPo.
Arianna responds:
I find it laughable to be lectured on hate speech by Bill O'Reilly, who has done as much if not more than anyone else in the media to debase the public dialogue. He spews hate as readily as he breathes. It's his lifeblood.
O'Reilly's relentless crusade to smear Arianna should finally leave no doubt that he has absolutely zero journalistic standards and/or shame.
As John Amato just documented with some original reporting, FOX News allows hate-filled-racist comments on their own website. You know, the kind BillO says is ruining our country. We're still waiting for O'Reilly to clarify those comments or deem them really not hateful at all. Will Howard Kurtz include them in his next column also?
Exit question: If you ambushed the Falafel King and got to ask one question, what would it be? I think I would ask what he meant when he told Andrea Mackris that Al Franken was going to "get a knock on his door" one day and have his "life change forever."