Fresh off his attacks of Pope Francis, Glenn Beck has now turned his ire to John Boehner, who he now calls 'worthless.' Beck appeared on Mark Levin's talk show and ripped into the Speaker of the House.
“I think John Boehner is one of the prime examples of worthless, worthless Republicans,” Beck said Thursday on Mark Levin’s radio show. “All these people saying, ‘Hey, the Republicans aren’t as bad,’ no. I think they actually might be worse, because they claim to be something that they’re not.”
Beck told Levin, who called Boehner “utterly feckless,” that Boehner and those like him “have got to go.”“I will not vote for another Republican who is just a Republican who says, ‘Well, you know, we got to do what we got to do.’ No we don’t, we have to take a stand,” Beck said, citing Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for standing up.--
“They’re heroes,” Beck said. “Meanwhile, the John Boehners and the Mitch McConnells of the world are trying to take Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and destroy them. Mitch McConnell is the biggest two-faced liar I’ve ever seen. I’m sorry; I have no respect for them.”
Beck went as far as calling Boehner a 'progressive.'
Beck: These guys are big government Progressives. They're not Liberals, they're not Rino's, they're Progressives. John McCain, John Boehner and the rest believe in all of these programs that have nothing to do with the United States constitution and are responsible for 17 trillion dollars. We have sold our children into slavery, for what, for what? So they can have power.
Using the term 'slavery' should be banned to all conservatives when they try to make a philosophical point just like comparing anything from the left to 'Nazis." Notice how Beck is changing the meaning of the word 'progressive' to try and taint all conservatives that won't follow his lead into tea party land. Boehner is not and never will be a progressive.