The internet decided to have a little bit of fun with this white supremacist, as evidenced by his now-raving Yelp reviews, praising what sounds to be an incredibly gay place.
Trolls Descend On Yelp To Write ‘Glowing Reviews’ Of Racist Oklahoma Restaurant
February 10, 2014

Via Americans Against The Tea Party:

Gary’s Chicaros, one of the few establishments in which homophobic white supremacists can eat in peace without any of “those people” around, has been receiving quite a bit of backlash since the world found out exactly what sort of establishment it is. The Ward 4 Enid City Commission candidate proudly declares his little restaurant to be a “n**ger-free experience.” It’s even on the t-shirt, which also proclaims that Gary’s Chicaros is “Where the great whites gather.”

Gary doesn’t discriminate, though. He hates everyone who is not a white, straight Christian — and he even hates some of those! ...

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