When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died over the weekend, Wisconsin's Dumb Senator, Ron Johnson, like many other Republicans, tweeted a tribute to him. But the tweet the gentle reader would see on his timeline now is not the one he originally sent out.
Thanks to Sahil Kapur, we see that RoJo's original tweet included a picture of actor Edward Gero:

But RoJo wasn't done there.
He put himself in a rather untenable position which will only go to strengthen and increase the lead that his opponent, Russ Feingold, has over him. RoJo went along with the party lines of saying that the country should wait more than a year to have a new justice on the Supreme Court:
"I strongly agree that the American people should decide the future direction of the Supreme Court by their votes for president and the majority party in the U.S. Senate," Johnson said in a statement released Sunday. "America needs Supreme Court justices who share Justice Scalia's commitment to applying the Constitution as written and to the freedom it secures."
As the gentle reader already knows, there is no need nor a precedent for waiting a year to appoint a new justice. What RoJo is saying that the people who voted for President Barack Obama four years ago shouldn't have a say in the direction that the country is going.
RoJo is also shooting himself in the foot in the sense that the more he tries to obstruct a new appointee the more he gives people a reason to vote for Feingold. After all, who wants to have the next justice picked by a guy who didn't even know who the recently passed one was?