About a decade ago, I told you about a lady in East Texas who found Jesus on her laundry room floor.

She explained …
“I’m not trying to show off, but I feel like I should share it with everyone,” Lacina said. “The Lord wouldn’t appreciate it if I didn’t show it to anyone.”
Well, it appears that every decade or so, God comes to East Texas.
One East Texas man believes he found fossils from Noah’s flood and a self-proclaimed fossil expert says he’s right.
“From Noah’s flood to my front yard, how much better can it get,” Wayne Propst said.
Yeah, the Indiana Jones of Tyler. (Click here for a fabulous two minute video.)
The teevee station, in the interest of fairness and egg on their face, concludes …
For the record, we have not independently verified if the rocks are in fact historic.
Yeah, but who wants to ruin a good tourist business.
Crossposted at juanitajean.com