Scott Baio Says Red Hot Chili Peppers Drummer's Wife Beat Him Up
December 15, 2016

Scott Baio is whining to the Ventura County Sheriffs that a nasty woman grabbed him by the p*ssy -- metaphorically speaking, of course -- and roughed him up. Poor, poor Chachi, was allegedly grabbed by the wife of Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith.

Consequence of Sound:

Baio told law enforcement that the incident occurred at a school event on Saturday in Thousand Oaks, California when Mack, who is staunchly anti-Trump, began “berating and cursing” him over his support of a man who said “Grab ’em by the pussy.”

The actor’s account of the incident further claims Mack repeatedly screamed “Grab ’em by the pussy” even after he asked her to stop. Baio says Mack attacked him by grabbing underneath his arms and shaking and pushing him.

Mack contends she was merely demonstrating how Trump hugs women, rather than intentionally assaulting Baio.

Nancy Mack, you are my new hero. Anyone who can reduce that swaggering fool into a bag of whines looking for a safe space deserves a round of applause.

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