November 21, 2013


UPDATE: Procedural expert David Waldman (KagroX) explains on Twitter:

This vote, I think, doesn't automatically eliminate the filibuster for judicial nominations. But it means future majorities can point to it.

Future majorities will likely also have to hold their own votes on whether or not to shut down filibusters in the same way. What it will do is create precedent that future majorities can cite in making similar rulings from the chair in the future. But all such rulings, like today's, can be appealed, and that will require a vote on the record to do it.

It just says that next time a filibuster of a judge happens, this vote can be pointed to when justifying the next such vote.

UPDATE: The rule passes with an exception for Supreme Court nominees, 52-48. Mitch McConnell appeals chair's ruling. McConnell loses. Sen. McConnell spokesman: "I'm looking forward to President Rubio stacking the courts."

UPDATE: Procedural vote now on changing filibuster rules.

UPDATE: The Millett nomination will proceed, 57-43.

UPDATE: They are now voting on to reconsider cloture on the judical nomination of Patricia Millett. 60 votes are needed.

UPDATE: Mitch McConnell has just moved to adjourn until 5 p.m. They're voting now on his motion.

The motion to adjourn is voted down.

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