#OCCUPYOURHOMES #DECEMBER6TH #D6- "Homeowners Speak Out" - Mimi Pierre Johnson & Jean Sassine from Rhodes Pictures on Vimeo.
Occupy Our Homes is a great group that has formed in response to the Occupy Wall Street movement, and is answering the need to help keep people in their homes rather than lose them to foreclosure.
This video gives voice to two homeowners that have been struggling with their banks to prevent foreclosure for years. What used to be a lonely venture now has the support of millions as the members of the 99 percent come together in solidarity.
From OccupyOurHomes:
Two homeowners, Jean Cassine of Queens Village and Mimi Pierre Johnson of Elmont, describe how the foreclosure crisis has caused angst and frustation for themselves, as well as their communities. They have been fighting for years to keep their homes and see the Occupy movement as an opportunity for others to do the same.
Homeowners who are struggling to modify their mortgages, interest rates, etc and the bank is threatening to evict, do not leave your homes!
“On December 6, the Occupy Wall Street movement will join the national fight against foreclosure with a big day of action.”
[Credits: Rhodes Pictures, New York Communities for Change]