July 23, 2013

O'Reilly: When was the last time you saw a public service ad telling young black girls to avoid becoming pregnant? Has President Obama done such an ad?

Bill O'Reilly was off the air Friday, so I knew he would bring double-barrel action to his Monday night's Talking Points Memo to respond to President Obama's Trayvon Martin race comments, and did he ever. Bill believes he's some sort of race whisperer, and only he will will furnish you with the unvarnished truth on how to solve these difficult problems in African American communities today.

I was surprised that he didn't take the Hannity approach and make asinine remarks about his presser, but he actually agreed that Obama should have broached the topic of race and framed it with the Martin case. Many conservatives have been trying to say that blacks should have no beef with the Zimmerman case because racism was never an issue (which is ludicrous), but Bill came from a different angle. He admitted that the black community has pent-up resentments against white oppression, but then basically said it was a cop-out. The past has nothing to do with anything anymore. No, really he said that.

O'Reilly: Many black Americans harbor at least some resentment for past injury.

Bill-O is frustrated that the sins of the past (racism) are involved in the discussion. It's so 1965. Decades and decades of racist treatment that destroyed so many lives should just vanish from their consciousness. Justice be damned for black America. He also believes that only the great Bloviator knows exactly how to cure what ails the African American community. He also has some new terminology. 'Race hustlers' and the 'grievance industry' will be some of his new race-battling phrases. Be sure to look out for them in the future. BillO is hoping Obama watches and takes notes, so he can lead blacks to the promised land via his guidance. Are you ready? He gives a rundown of the Martin shooting and denies that race played any part in it because there was no evidence of that, but then Bill said it's OK to profile black youths because they are mostly criminals.

The culture we have in this nation does lead to criminal profiling because young black American men are so often involved in crime. The statistic's overwhelming.

You see, Zimmerman had to be suspicious of Trayvon, because most of the young brothers are committing crimes. Now Bill has all the stats relating to black on black crime, but I wonder if he has stats that give us the percentage of young blacks committing crimes against all young blacks in the nation? Now BillO starts to get ready to lay on us cats the crux of his plan, you dig?

First, he hits on the civil rights people in charge.

They blame the barbarity on guns or poor education or lack of jobs. Rarely do they define the problem accurately.

It's interesting that Bill forgot to mention poverty. Huh, I wonder if it skipped his mind, since poverty is the leading cause of destruction in all communities in America, regardless of race.

And here's his big reveal.

The reason there is so much violence and chaos in the black precincts is the disintegration of the black family.

Mike Huckabee couldn't have said it better.

About 73% of all black babies are born out of wedlock. That drives poverty

You think, Bill-O? I guess George Bush's abstinence only plan didn't take hold too well. In fact, it was disastrous for young girls of all races, as we know.

So what's Bill's solution?

When was the last time you saw a public service ad telling young black girls to avoid becoming pregnant? Has President Obama done such an ad? How about Jackson or Sharpton? Has the Congressional Black Caucus demanded an ad like that?

It's those horny young black girls who can't keep their knickers on! Damn, if only they saw an ad from Bill-O yelling at them not to get pregnant, they just might listen. I have an idea: We'll call it the "Scared Celibate" campaign.

And he then has to make sure you know it's not whitey's fault.

White people do not force black people to have babies out of wedlock. That's a personal decision.

Say what? Is Bill suddenly for abortions for the ladies of minorities?

A decision that that has devastated millions of children and led to disaster, both socially and economically.

He then opines that since there isn't a man around, young black men will turn away from school and turn to drugs and thugs. As usual, the entertainment industry is at fault, too, for glorifying a gangsta culture. You know - hip-hop, movies, trashy TV sold to impressionable children. I think Bill made a mistake as he got more revved up. He says limousine liberals are only pissed off at all the black men who sell drugs that are in prison. No, Bill. It's all the people who are busted for using drugs, and not just small time dealers.

Ohhh, it's so unfair, it's a non-violent crime.

I wonder if Bill looked at the stats that show how white drug offenders get treated much more favorably than black drug offenders?
Now here comes his solutions to the epidemic of violent and drug abuse in poor black communities:

Actively discourage pregnancies out of marriage.

To impose strict discipline in the public schools including mandatory student uniforms. (Who's going to pay for them?)

Create a zero tolerance policy for gun and drug crimes, imposing harsh mandatory prison time for offenders.

Challenge the entertainment industry to stop peddling garbage. (I guess Bill doesn't believe in the free market system, after all!)

Bill-O starts spitting in anger after that, so it's up to you to finisyh watching the video. I'm getting showered on over here.

Black girls, stop having sex and pumping out babies without being married.

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