Don't you just love those religious conservatives when they talk about their religious convictions one day and dupe people the next? Media Matters:
October 5, 2009

Don't you just love those religious conservatives when they talk about their religious convictions one day and dupe people the next?

Media Matters:

On two Fox News shows, Fox host Mike Huckabee directed viewers to "go to," urging them to sign a petition telling Congress to "balance the budget," "cut their spending," and "save American families"; however, redirects visitors to a web page soliciting donations for Huckabee's political action committee, which financially supports Republican candidates and also pays Huckabee's daughter's salary. Huckabee is the latest Fox News personality to ask viewers to visit PAC websites without disclosing the website's nature or whether they stand to gain financially from viewers' donations

Myabe the FTC can apply the same standards to these creeps as they do to bloggers. Huckabee should be required to disclose his own PAC to his viewers.

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