October 24, 2008

It's so nice to see signs of real depression enter into the Conservative movement. Bill O'Reilly was asking Newt Gingrich to make believe he's running McCain's campaign (which he basically is along with Hannity) and give advice on what McCain can do to turn the election around in the next two weeks. Newt's big plan is to have McCain attack Obama by scaring the people that they will have the country run by the very scary Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. I'm serious. That's what it has come to for these people. (rough transcripts)

O'Reilly: We're doing tactics...he's got to go in now and make his point. One central point. That Barack Obama is a far left, income redistribution guy which Americans you contend don't want. And that by doing that he's going to harm the economy further? Are you going to make that?

Gingrich: Yea....

O'Reilly: ...I'm not saying the American people are stupid. I don't believe that for a second. But let's face it. We've had three debates and McCain has made that point over and over again. That his policies of tax cutting are better than redistribution policies of Obama. But the public hasn't bought it/ What the public has bought is that McCain said the economy is fundamentally sound in the middle of a meltdown, which is not what he meant, but that doesn't matter because he said and it was used against him. So I'm not sure in two weeks with the same message, unless there's a difference in the way you present the message that that's not going to work because it hasn't worked so far.

Gingrich: Well first of all I think if you connect Obama to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and you say these three people want your money so they can redistribute it their friends

So you throw their pictures up. Reid and Pelosi, but remember only 15% of the American population knows who Pelosi is and it's probably 2% for Reid.

Gingrich: But if you never explain it, they never learn therefore they never connect anybody. I've tried to make the point again and again before. Sen. Obama is going to try and govern with a very liberal Democratic Senate and House...

BillO tries to deflect McCain's statement about the fundamentals of the economy and said he didn't really mean it, but anything Obama says that is taken out of connect with Obama, that's fact. What a joke the man called Newt is. Has he divorced his third wife yet? I can't remember how many times he's dumped all his wives, but for some reason he's on my TV screen almost as much as Obama, giving advice and attacking liberal values. Here's a quick reminder to Newt. The Democratic Party is "Left" and Conservatives are "Right." MKay? Conservatives have destroyed our economy, made torture part of our culture, lied us into war, failed to respond to Hurricane Katrina, but we're supposed to fear Harry Reid? We are hearing all this, we're a Conservative nation garbage coming from the Villagers and this is what Newtie is going to use to build up his own movement in the coming months.

Here's John Meacham:

"Should Obama win, he will have to govern a nation that is more instinctively conservative than it is liberal -- a perennial reality that past Democratic presidents have ignored at their peril," he writes.

I'll have more on this narratve soon enough.

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