Gosh, I'm pretty sure that Angle never took that Dale Carnegie course. If this is the kind of crazy she says in front of questionably "friendly press", I can't imagine what she says without the presence of media at all.
A press release from Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle today goes after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for voting in favor of the economic stimulus package. The release features the headline: "Harry Reid's Plan to Save the Nevada Economy: Coked-up Stimulus Monkeys."
The release cites a Republican Senate report that details some of the more attention-grabbing line-items in the stimulus bill:
Harry Reid says 'no one can do more' for Nevada. We had no idea Harry's plan of 'more' meant spending millions on coked-up monkeys and exotic ants while our state is ravaged by the worst foreclosure rate and highest unemployment rate in the nation," said Jerry Stacy, spokesman for U.S. Senatorial [candidate] Sharron Angle.
The release cites reports from ABC News and CNBC, The Bureau of Labor Statistics and Reid's own website.
A full read of the ABC News report features a quote from the recipient of the 'coked-up stimulus monkeys' grant. Bonnie Davis, a spokeswoman for The Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, told ABC the "small grant has helped protect very important research that will have significant impact on public health in regards to cocaine addiction and the issue of relapse."
You'd think they'd learn after Bobby Jindal came across as so ignorant with his volcanoes study slam. I'm guessing that Angle doesn't spend a lot of time in Las Vegas, otherwise she might see the need for cocaine abuse studies. But what's even better is the woman who believes that small aliens were launched from a volcano and are infecting her body and inhibiting her perfection bashed Reid and Obama for making government our "false god."
Nevada journalist Jon Ralston unearths an interview that Sharron Angle did with Christian radio that is perhaps her most eyebrow-raising contribution to the conversation yet. In it, she says that government expansion under Obama and Dems is an effort to make government into our "God."
In case you're tempted to dismiss this as a figure of speech, Angle makes it clear that she's being literal, adding that our dependence on government is "idolatry" and that this is a "violation of the First Commandment." Here's the key bit:
"And these programs that you mentioned -- that Obama has going with Reid and Pelosi pushing them forward -- are all entitlement programs built to make government our God. And that's really what's happening in this country is a violation of the First Commandment. We have become a country entrenched in idolatry, and that idolatry is the dependency upon our government. We're supposed to depend upon God for our protection and our provision and for our daily bread, not for our government."
Oy vey. Seriously, there's no cure for that level of teh stupid.