It cannot be repeated enough: He who frames the argument wins the debate.
And so it is telling how the networks wish to frame the debate for marriage equality. Who do they book?
- Meet the Press: Ralph Reed, head of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and who narrowly missed conviction for his role in the Jack Abramoff scandal.
- Face the Nation: Tony Perkins, whose Family Research Council is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for their persistent and ongoing hate speech against the gay community.
- and Austin Nimocks of the Alliance Defending Freedom, who also showed up on CNN’s State of the Union.
- Fox News Sunday: Gary Bauer, president of American Values
With the exception of Hilary Rosen on Meet the Press, did the news shows bother to book a gay person whose life and rights are directly affected? Pffftt...silly liberal!
What really matters is how conservative Christians who are out of step with the majority of Americans (no matter how much they want to deny it and not have that challenged), doncha know?