Who does this?
No, really, I don't get this. Why would a supposedly Very. Serious. Policy. Wonk. let Time Magazine release photos like this on the day of his one and only vice presidential debate?
Thursday morning, Time magazine posted a slideshow of outtakes from a 2011 photo shoot with Paul Ryan. The photos showcase the Republican vice presidential nominee's devotion to the P90X workout routine and was inspired by Facebook pictures Ryan posted of himself doing the workout with its creator, Tony Horton. The photo spread also appears in the new issue of Time magazine's print edition.
Don't get me wrong, I get that he's into exercising and fitness and loves to brag about his BMI and fantastical marathon times. Bully for him. But what does it say about Ryan that he not only sought out a professional photographer to highlight his physical shape, but then styled himself like the Fresh Prince of Losing Debates? Then he authorized the release of those photos on the day of the debate in which he was trying to prove to that tiny sliver of Americans yet undecided that he was a better choice for VP than Joe Biden.
Seriously, who does this?