If you check the dates, you see how much worse unemployment has gotten. Paul Rosenberg uses this as part of an important post at Open Left:
Make no mistake, if the Democrats lose big in November, it will be because they failed to recognize the world they live in, the world so clearly and simply revealed by Ms. Egwuekwe's data presentation. And if they lose big, they will do so in the name of "pragmatism", "political realism", "post-partisanship", "consensus" and the like. They will lose spectacularly in the name of fighting against "polarization" and "ideological rigidity" and in the name of "mov[ing] beyond the tired debates between right and left," as President Obama said in announcing the resumption of off-shore oil drilling, "Because this issue is just too important to allow our progress to languish while we fight the same old battles over and over again."
In short, if they lose big in November, they will do it because they are utterly clueless, utterly indifferent to the suffering of tens of millions of Americans who put their faith in them. If the Democrats lose big in November, it will be because they totally deserved it for dereliction of duty.
Here's a brief CNN interview with Egwuekwe from December:
How can the Democrats win in November? Start by replacing Larry Summers with LaToya Egwuekwe. Then go out and find a dozen more just like her--or as close as you can get.
This is exactly what I've experienced. Take, for example, the ongoing unemployment benefits debacle. Two million people just lost their benefits, while Congress sits on their hands.
ME to local Congressional staffer: What's going on with the unemployment benefits?
STAFFER: We have nothing to do with that, we passed it and the Senate didn't.
ME: Yes, but you still have constituents affected by this. What are your plans to pressure the Senate and help push it through?
STAFFER: Let me put you through to your Senate office. [Ringgg.]
STAFFER2: Can I help you?
ME: Yes, my unemployment ran out and I'm calling to find out if there's legislation to add another tier of benefits.
STAFFER2: Let check that. (On hold for ten minutes.) I just checked, and we haven't really looked at what's in the legislation.
ME: So two million people just lost their benefits and you haven't looked at the legislation? Nice. Thanks for your help.
I was talking to a well-known blogger last night and was bitching about this. "How is it that the Democrats aren't on the offense about this?"
He said something about how hard it was to "coordinate the messaging, get everyone on the same page..."
"Yeah, but that's my point," I said. "Why should anyone have to coordinate outrage over this many people out of work with no benefits? No one should have to tell them to do that, and the fact that they don't seem to care is why we lose elections."