An embedded reporter from the Chattanooga Times Free Press is claiming credit for the blunt questioning yesterday of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld by American soldiers in Kuwait.In an e-mail to an unidentified colleague at the newspaper, Edward Lee Pitts — traveling with a Tennessee National Guard Unit — said that when a scheduling delay permitted him to attend Rumsfeld’s visit with 2,300 troops, he learned that only soldiers could quiz the Secretary. “So,” Pitts writes, “I brought two of them along with me as my escorts. Before hand we worked on questions to ask Rumsfeld about the appalling lack of armor their vehicles going into combat have.”
So Hannity's point is taken, however Sean turns it into a conspiracy against Rumsfeld and not the fact that the question had to be asked to produce the results needed!
Bush: Soldiers’ equipment gripes heard!
WASHINGTON - Saying U.S. soldiers in Iraq "deserve the best," President Bush on Thursday emphasized that the administration is addressing equipment concerns like the one about armored vehicles raised by a soldier who questioned Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.