Bush's Missing WMD 'Joke': Is the Media Still Laughing? E&P smacks down Dana Milbank's article bashing John Conyers and the DSM, while asking
June 17, 2005

Bush's Missing WMD 'Joke': Is the Media Still Laughing?

E&P smacks down Dana Milbank's article bashing John Conyers and the DSM, while asking the question of why the reporters who were at the event thought Bush's "missing WMD" joke was so heartily received.

" I was reminded of all this at the Thursday forum when former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, after cataloguing the bogus Bush case for WMDs and the Iraqi threat, looked out at the cameras and notepads, mentioned the March 24, 2004 dinner, and acted out the president looking under papers and table for those missing WMDs. “And the media was all yucking it up….hahaha,” McGovern said. “You all laughed with him, folks. But I’ll tell you who is not laughing. Cindy Sheehan is not laughing.” This was the woman sitting next to him whose son had been killed in Iraq. “Cindy’s son,” McGovern added, “was killed 11 days after the show put on by the president…after that big joke.” Dana Milbank, who seems to like a good laugh, did not mention this in his story the following day."

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