Obsidian Wings: This charade in which George W. Bush wanders around trying to give the impression that he's interested in other people's views on Iraq strikes me as a very bad idea.
Lassiter Space: Congressman Donald Payne-who's next in line to chair the subcommittee on Africa and Human Rights--discusses the genocide in Darfur....and Senator Harry Reid, in a conversation with Bob Geiger, pretty much guarantees a minimum wage increase and emphasized repeatedly that investigations *will* be done on the cooked intelligence that Bush used to go to war with Iraq
Confined Space: A couple of Democratic Senators are trying to keep at least one more fox out of the regulatory chicken coop -- this time over at EPA.
Shakespeare's Sister: Colorado is a hotbed of gay evangelical pastor sex!
Les Enragés: High-ranking officers in the Pentagon are routinely violating regulations by proselytizing in uniform. Another alarming symptom of the anti-American Faith-based government propagated by the Bush administration and right-wing theocrats.
Attytood: "You people are so nice": An epitaph for the White House press corpse