On YourWorld with Neil Cavuto yesterday, Ann Coulter continued to insist that she will support--and in fact, campaign for--Hillary Clinton, rather than hold her nose and support the ideologically impure John McCain.
I just find Coulter's hissy fit schadenfreude-licious, as I do Sean Hannity's and Rush Limbaugh's. The punditocracy is losing whatever is left of their sanity that John "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" McCain could actually be the Republican nominee. Know why? Because it means that their base has tuned them out, turned them off and voted as they see fit, not as they've been told. By them. Any bigger indicator of the fact that their base is finding them irrelevant?
Oh and as a little aside, woman to....er, woman, the Goth make-up does you no favors, Ann. It might have worked in your early 20s (but not with that "Aryan from Darien" Connecticut accent), but now, not so much. Good to see you found something other than the black cocktail dress to wear, though. I'd call that progress, but I know how that word scares you.