I swear, Freud would have a field day with Bill O'Reilly. He's just one massive projection after another.
On his radio show on Wednesday, Bill O'Reilly said that the world is made more dangerous by the internets because we're all haters being amplified by haters, like child molesters.
Download (courtesy of Mike Stark @ The Seminal)
We have a lot of crazy people in America. And the internet encourages the craziness and the hatred. Hatred in this country is ratcheted up now, 100 times more than it was 10 years ago, because of the internet, which provides haters with sanctuary and encourages them, because other haters can say, “oh yeah, you’re just like me, you’re not alone.” So it used to be there were isolated nuts like the killer of John Lennon the killer of Martin Luther King, who I believe had a lot of help, by the way, James Earl Ray, which has never been solved and should be. Um, now these people, just like child molesters, can get comfort from the internet, so all people in the public eye are in danger.
Oh Billo, go have a falafel and get back to us when you make sense.