On Wednesday's Fox and Friends, guest host Todd Piro claimed that if Trump cured cancer, the media would still trash him.
In a bizarre effort to equate the criticisms Trump received for failing to denounce the neo-Nazi protest march on Saturday, Fox and Friends found a way to still support him and whine about the media coverage.
Steve Doocy said the president's disgraceful press conference on Tuesday was very "Trumpian."
Abby Huntsman said that if you love Trump then you probably you loved his antics, but if you hate him, "you hated every moment of that press conference."
Doocy agreed and explained Trump's behavior. " On Monday had condemned the KKK, the neo-Nazis, the white nationalists, the white supremacists. He did that very carefully on Monday but then on Tuesday it appeared that he said 'hey, listen, the reason I made that statement on Saturday' right out of the gate was because' -- and he didn't say it was vague, however a number of people said it wasn't specific enough, he said 'I didn't have all the facts yet. Nobody had all the facts yet."
Piro then jumped in with a mind-numbing defense.
Todd said, "I think many people will agree that the comments yesterday may not have been the smartest thing to do following kind of almost sort of putting it to bed on Monday, but at the end of the day we do have to remember regardless of whether you love this president or hate this president, there is an underlying notion that he could cure cancer tomorrow and other people in the media are going to attack him and say he didn't do it the right way."
Yes, the media hates Trump so much that if he claims today is Thursday, they'll say 'yea, but not if we use the Mayan calendar!'
Even though Trump surrogates always shift the narrative and the blame to excuse Trump, these kiss-ass excuses are wearing thin.