Chris Hayes had an extensive segment on his show on Friday discussing the "despicable" ICE policy of tearing children away from asylum-seeking parents as they enter the United States. He starts by highlighting that these are not immigrants crossing the border illegally - these are people who follow normal channels to seek asylum.
Kids as young as 18 months are being taken from their parents and handed over to - who knows? Government agencies? Human traffickers? NO ONE KNOWS.
And why? To punish the asylum-seekers. Plain and simple.
Cruelty like this, depraved indifference, inhumane treatment and neglect of children - that is reminiscent of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany, where Jewish children were taken from their parents, starved, beaten, abused.
Why is this so alarming, outside of the whole "taking kids from their parents" thing? Well, ICE recently admitted that it lost almost 1500 kids!!! LOST. Cannot find them. Have no idea where they went. Kids, some as young as toddler age, many of whom can't speak English, have no family in the United States, don't know how to find their parents. How many of these kids are dead? Abused? In trafficking situations where they are being sexually assaulted? Will we ever know? Is this number even correct or is it much higher?
Lee Gelernt from the ACLU said this is the "worst thing I've seen in 25 years of doing civil rights work". Let that sink in - 25 years. Worst thing ever. Just hearing him describe what these mothers are going through - their toddlers ripped from their arms as they scream, "Mommy, don't let them take me!!"
Just a reminder:
Take 10 minutes, watch this clip, call your state's congressional representatives and senators and make your voice heard. Flood their fax machines for when they return after the long weekend: Senate House
This cannot continue.
We are better than this.
We are not Nazi Germany.
We do not tear families apart and leave children vulnerable.
This cannot stand.