Fox Would Rather Just Kill People Than Save The Restaurant Industry

Fox "news" has been feigning concern for the restaurant industry, but rather than taking on Mitch McConnell for refusing to allow a vote on bipartisan legislation for a bailout, they're attacking Democrats over health orders and restrictions on indoor dining.

Fox "news" has been feigning concern for the restaurant industry, but rather than taking Mitch McConnell for refusing to allow a vote on bipartisan legislation for a bailout, they're attacking Democrats over health orders and restrictions on indoor dining.

We've all seen Fox evolve with their coronavirus pandemic coverage, at first taking the Trump line that it was a hoax, or exaggerated, then pretending it was just a problem for Democratic cities, to finally admitting we've got a problem everywhere but still attacking things like lockdowns, mask mandates and other public health measures and pretending people just taking "personal responsibility" will get the pandemic under control. Meanwhile they were promoting Trump's super-spreader rallies and ignoring the fact that one of them likely killed Herman Cain.

Now that winter has arrived and cases are spiking again as people are forced to stay inside, Fox has continued to act as a public health menace by attacking new restrictions on indoor dining, and on any given day you can watch countless segments just like the one above that ran earlier this week, where Fox & Friends cohost Ainsley Earhardt brought on a Nashville restaurant owner to attack the city's leadership and ignore the fact that Mitch McConnell has refused to allow a vote on S.4012, otherwise known as the RESTAURANTS Act, which has 11 Republican cosponsors in the Senate, and 10 Republican cosponsors in the House.

Apparently Fox would rather just kill off as many of us as humanly possible by making the pandemic worse than actually saving the restaurant industry, or they'd be hammering McConnell and the rest of his party for sitting on this legislation instead of pretending that just ignoring the pandemic, acting like it's business as usual while the emergency rooms and hospitals are overflowing is going to save them.

While Fox continues to endanger the health of their viewers, Chris Hayes and Top Chef’s Tom Colicchio had a discussion in the reality-based world about the legislation that McConnell has been sitting on since this summer, and what it means for the restaurant industry if they don't get some relief soon.

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